And what is so unique about Mivra?

We have extensive experience working with local and global businesses, in a variety of fields and different industries, but we are also experienced in working with a wide range of non business organizations (public and nonprofit sectors etc). In addition, we have experience working with Kibbutzim and agricultural corporations.

We bring to the table knowledge and professionalism of the highest order, yet we believe in working as peers; achieving intelligent and logical results, but no less important, providing output that can be easily understood, accepted and implemented.

We are proud of our rich and diverse experience, but we don't believe in the 'copy & paste' approach, but start each project with a smooth page and an open mind.

We are used to working on projects, but we do love accompanying organizations for the long haul, and in general - are attuned to being flexible and creative in meeting the needs of the client.

However, beyond our experience, knowledge and specialization that we have accumulated over the years, we know that the strategic process is more than a smart answer to a defined question; that the analytical, methodological and factual solutions are a necessary, but not sufficient, condition.  

A Strategic Process is always a complex affair, on both a personal and organizational level. It is not unusual for it to come up against strong opposition, cynicism, internal politics and other difficulties. In order to succeed in overcoming this complexity, we are obligated to face the human dimension.

At the end of the day, behind those numbers and analyses, we are working with people. The strategic process cannot be either comprehensive or effective, without the vision and understanding of the personnel, the inter-personal relationships and the culture and dynamics of the organization.

That which separates an irrelevant brochure of slides from an effective and successful process of change, is the level of attention, listening and understanding, and the relationship that is forged between 'the consultant’ and 'the customer', during the process.

We at Mivra understand this and appreciate the opportunity we have to work with people rather than with data, the opportunity to create real connections and to offer a solution that is specifically tailored to each individual client.